I am Richard Walker, a consultant on content and strategy for businesses that need to tell their stories online. I have a special interest in Africa and India, and have lived and worked in Africa (as a teacher) and East Asia (as an FT correspondent).
I advise on how to use multimedia and digital channels to reach the people you need to reach. I work with financial and advisory businesses, and anyone who trades in ideas and wants those ideas to sing. Recent clients include London Business School, Royal Bank of Scotland, UPS, TT International (a London investment fund), Renaissance Capital, UK Local Enterprise Partnerships, KPMG, and E&Y. In the past I have been on the staff of the BBC World Service and the Economist.
I have been published in the FT, The Economist, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, as well as The Spectator, the New Statesman, GQ, MSNBC, and others.